4yr Anniversary Shenanigans
My hot hubby and I recently celebrated our 4yr anniversary on August 2nd. It was an overall success with some hiccups along the way. But before we get into all the nitty gritty let’s look at some ooey gooey lovey dovey wedding pics:
- My favorite wedding photo!
- Happy Hubby
- First kiss as husband and wife.
- Still kissing…
- …still kissing…
- I love love love this photo. Utter bliss.
- We’re famous. Boom!
Weren’t we fabulous! And I swear I have the HOTTEST husband on the planet. I totally scored! And in case you didn’t notice I think it’s hilarious that our photo ended up in a newspaper right underneath a medical cannabis ad lol.
Moving on to our anniversary….originally we wanted to go out of the country…then that turned into let’s go somewhere that requires a plane…which then turned into let’s just get out of the city. Mind you, Dominic and I have never taken a lovers vacation other then our honeymoon. We basically got pregnant the month we married and then…boom…we got a little baby. Well, we did take a babymoon to San Francisco but that doesn’t count because there was already a little tag along human inside me. Needless to say, we have been in dire need of a lovers getaway. And keeping it real, we’ve had a rough last year and a half and really need a quote-unquote rekindling win.
We decided to take a 5 day motorcycle road trip along the legendary Pacific Coast and camp like lovers under the stars. Sounds magical right? My super awesome sisters were going to tag team watching the kiddo. First time without the baby! Well several things didn’t work out. First, Hwy 1 is shut down because of a massive mud slide that collapsed the connecting bridge to Big Sur. Second, we were way to late in the game on reserving camping spots. What was I thinking? It’s August and we wanted to camp in areas that people reserve a year in advance. So okay…scratching that idea. Then we were going to take just a mini 3 day trip to this cute camping spot at a family owned ranch/grounds in Yosemite. (Here’s the link) Reserved & paid for our spot. Work problem came up. Seriously? So okay…scratching that plan too. We finally decided to do a one night stay in Santa Barbara at this super cute B&B. Reserved & paid for our spot. Babysitter situation fell through. OMG…scratched our final plan. Luckily everyone was awesome and refunded us our money with my sob story. No really, I cried a couple of times…okay several times.
So we decided to just make the best of the situation and have a lovers date. We started out at this local Brewery called Ladyface. This place is so bomb.
- The perfect beer.
- Heaven on a plate.
I would literally come here just for their roasted brussel sprouts dish. It has brussel sprouts, pistachios, cider vinegar, grilled red onions and goat cheese. It’s divine. And their Ladyface LA Blonde is my favorite beer of all time. And I like beer. More Ladyface lovers pics:
- Happy 4yrs!
- Why are we posed like we’re at prom?
- This lovely older man kept offering to take our pic.
- Happiness
We then hopped in the car to go who knows where. Dom was driving while I was yelping looking for something to do. Surprise surprise we ended up at a bar. We really wanted to play darts because that’s what we always used to do when we first started dating. Darts and bourbon were our early years. We had lots of fun just hanging out like best friends. However, when we were leaving we promptly got into a fight like an old married couple that ended us up at home hours before we were supposed to return. Seriously? Come on people it’s your friggin anniversary!
We finally “red rummed” the fight. Red Rum is our code word we say to each other when the fighting is lame (isn’t it always?) and we just want it to end. Red Rum and move on loves.
So moving on we did as we hopped in the car again and found a place for some dinner. I honestly can’t even remember the name. Food was decent but the times were good. Okay here are the last pictures of us kissing I promise!
- Kissy Kissy
- Decent salad but it was pretty.
- Some weird meat dish Dom ordered.
- Awww
- Kisses like lovers
- And more kisses
- Finished with an Old Fashioned night cap.
Overall a success-ish! What matters most is the time that was spent with the love of my life just being friends and lovers and reminiscing on 4 years of love. Now next year we are definitely getting on a plane and renewing our vows for our 5yr anniversary!!
Until next time…
Huggles & A Trio Of Kisses,